My sincerest apologies for not writing sooner. Life has been crazy and The Blahg took a back seat. But not the whole back seat. If that were the case, my friend Dr. Popple wouldn't have room for the numerous abortions he performs in my Buick. (Do you suddenly find yourself confused by this throw back joke? Find clarity by reading the last three paragraphs of this blahg entry about my 1996 Buick Regal LIMITED, Rainbow Satan.).
Well, if you're still reading, chances are good that you're not offended by abortion jokes. And if you're not offended by abortion jokes, chances are even better that you're not a fan of Gov. Mitt Romney (Spoiler Alert! This blahg bashes Mitt Romney so pull out now if you're a Romney fan and get easily riled up by things making fun of someone who has twice as much wealth as the last 8 presidents combined - and just to be clear, we're talking the combined lifetime wealth of Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama). Note: my last 2 entries have been political in nature. It's true that politics is a big part of my life, but rest assured that not every entry will be political. In fact, they'll be a rarity.
I had a strong hunch Mitt was going to be giving a concession speech that Tuesday night, even after reading about his blind and unsupported optimism that he'd do otherwise. Sooo, a couple days prior to November 6th, I created a Twitter account: Romney Recovers (@RomneyRecovers).
Yup, yup. That's me. Little known fact: I did not pose for this
painting. I instead commissioned another artist to make a wax statue
from a photo, and then the painter used the sculpture to paint
my beautiful likeness. Hey, time is money. And I don't have a lot of time
to think of ways to spend all of my money. So when Ann gave me this idea,
I ran with it - err, sat, technically.
my beautiful likeness. Hey, time is money. And I don't have a lot of time
to think of ways to spend all of my money. So when Ann gave me this idea,
I ran with it - err, sat, technically.
I had a strong hunch Mitt was going to be giving a concession speech that Tuesday night, even after reading about his blind and unsupported optimism that he'd do otherwise. Sooo, a couple days prior to November 6th, I created a Twitter account: Romney Recovers (@RomneyRecovers).
The concept is simple: Mitt's online journal, in 140 character excerpts, where he spews anything that strikes his newly liberated fancy on the road to recovery from a tough election loss. Below are what I consider to be my top 20 Tweets from @RomneyRecovers.
Do you tweet yourself? In public?! Pervert. Anyway, click here to follow me or to read my other tweets (53 others as of the posting of this blahg entry). No promises of frequent updates, but I have a few more tweets up my sleeve.